posted by MTG 2014. 4. 4. 21:52



 리믹스 곡명



 Bicycle (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Black/White)
 Bicycle (Pokemon X/Y)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Hope you get a nostalgic blast from the past with this! (And present) This took me about a week to complete with about 3 all nighters in the process. I really enjoyed making this and am excited to make more megamixes like this in the future. Think of this video as an early 2000 subscriber special. (It won't replace the 2000 sub special we'll have when we actually do hit 2000.) 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who watches our videos! It means a lot to us and I hope that this outweighs to the lack of remixes I haven't uploaded within the month.

Watermark made by Noivy:



'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

아쿠아 앤드 마그마 (RSE)  (0) 2014.06.08
챔피언 카르네 테마 -Epic Rock- (XY)  (0) 2014.04.27
향전시티 리믹스 (XY)  (0) 2014.01.30
포이즌 라이브! (BW2)  (0) 2013.10.09
버려진배 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2013.10.09
posted by MTG 2013. 10. 8. 00:11


 petaldance(Adam Haynes)

 리믹스 곡명

 Route 29 - Remix / Arrangement [Pokémon Gold & Silver] - by Adam Haynes


 Route 29
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 (게임 캡쳐)

 편곡자 코멘트

 This is the second of my Pokémon Gold & Silver arrangement series.

Like my previous arrangement, I've given it a bit of Asian flavour. Please remember though, this isn't a genuine or authentic piece of Eastern Asian music haha, it's just for the enjoyment of your ears :)

This piece took a long time to piece together, and I was almost ready to give up on it, but I'm glad I finished it as I'm very pleased with the result. I love the combination of the Asian instruments with the various accordion; it's a sound I've really enjoyed experimenting with.
I tried to retain the upbeat attitude that the original piece of music has and, again, tried to make the listener/player feel as if they are on foreign lands. Although perhaps it's a little too obvious in this arrangement!

Blog post coming soon. Thanks for listening :)

New Bark Town arrangement:

For better audio quality, please visit:


- Adam Haynes

posted by MTG 2013. 8. 12. 22:26



 리믹스 곡명

 GSC Battle Tower Gate (Re-Orchestrated)


 Battle Tower Gate
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Dragoknights, was I the only one who stood in front of the Battle Tower for hours on end while playing Pokémon Crystal? This song holds up as one of the catchiest and most under-appreciated tunes in Pokémon history, and I love it, so there. Between this and Buena's Password, my days playing Pokémon Crystal as a child were simple and all about the catchy music. I'm really happy with my arrangement, and I hope you like it too! Who knows...maybe Buena will get some PokéTunes action soon!

DOWNLOAD: Coming soon!
Music sounds better with headphones. Pop 'em in, and listen to the magical ear fireworks. 

My links: 

Once upon a time in a magical land called Johto there was a Corsola. Now Corsola the Corsola was about as useless as could be, but as it so happened Corsola the Corsola was a witch. One day, a trainer named Butts walked by Corsola the Corsola and had the audacity to laugh at it, calling it "a rocky pink poo-poo". Now, Corsola the Corsola had a bad temper at the best of times, but Corsola the Corsola had it up to here with people's prejudice against it's abundantly pink body, so Corsola the Corsola cursed Butts to forever walk the Johto region covered in pink. Butts knew the pain of Corsola the Corsola, and jumped off a cliff. The end.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

실프 주식회사 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.10.09
29번 도로 리믹스 (GSC)  (0) 2013.10.08
잿빛시티 -Re Orchestrated- (RSE)  (0) 2013.07.28
228번 도로 -Re Orchestrated- (DPPt)  (0) 2013.07.28
챔피언 난천 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.07.28
posted by MTG 2013. 4. 16. 22:21



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon-FR/LG Deoxy Battle Theme Remix *2nd Remix*


 Battle (VS Deoxys)

 (Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Gonna remix this theme again. I also noticed I hit 6000 subs. So yesh I am sorry for not uploading anything the day I hit it..or during the week of it e.e I'm very busy in college and my job qq. Forgive me since I am a bit rusty xD

posted by MTG 2013. 3. 9. 23:40



 리믹스 곡명

 Taking the Lead


 Pokemon Remix - Taking the Lead [Vs. Johto Gym Leader, Cave, Vs. Johto Champion]


 Vs. Johto Gym Leader

 Dark Cave

 Vs. Champion
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Download the song:

(it's in the folder "Other Franchises")
Download version without most of the Pokemon cries (some still used as effect, like Wobbuffet):
Song Title: Taking the Lead
OST Title: Vs. Johto Gym Leader, Cave, Vs. Johto Champion
Game: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Platform: Gameboy Color
Composer: Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose
Remixer: DJ the S
Artist's comments: What was your starter Pokemon in Gold/Silver/Crystal? I bet most of you went for Totodile like me, right?

There's tons of work in this video. Not only the song, but also the visuals; I was hoping to give you a nostalgia overload. The song (accompanied by the video) tries to tell the story of Joe, travelling through the land of Johto with his precious Pinsir "Prince", fighting random Wobbuffets and those annoying Trollbats in the caves, meeting and beating the two legendaries Ho-Oh and Lugia, beating the Gym Leaders and eventually facing off against the Champion, Lance. Victorious in every battle, he finally meets his master in Red and his Pikachu's Volt Tackle...Like I said, much more effort than usual, but it was lots of fun and hopefully worth it.

This song was made for fearmaster129's birthday, for once not a Megaman-related song. When I asked him, he told me that he'd like a remix of the G/S/C Gym Leader theme; Great choice, I may add:

There's not much more I could say about the song. It may have its flaws, it might be a bit repetitive, although I tried to add lots of variations. But overall it turned out pretty nice in my opinion, and I hope you can agree.

posted by MTG 2013. 2. 14. 13:37



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon HGSS - Title Screen Orchestrated


 Title Screen

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 An orchestrated version of the Title Screen of Heartgold?Soulsilver

Source image:

Link to song:

I do not own Pokemon

posted by MTG 2012. 12. 19. 06:20



 리믹스 곡명

 GSC Game Corner(2nd Remix)


 Game Corner
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 My second Remix of Pokemon Silver,Gold,and Crystal's game corner theme. I really like making this and hope you enjoy!

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

챔피언 아이리스 테마 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.23
사천왕 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.20
여울동굴 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.19
여울동굴 Dub-Step 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.19
네오 플라즈마단 배틀 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.18
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 16. 17:30



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon G/S/C/HG/SS Rival Battle Remix


 Battle! Rival 
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 18.03.12: *update*

Download this remix with many more on my new album:

A Remix I did last night. My first Pokémon Battle Remix...
It contains the encounter music, the battle music and the victory music of the rival in pokémon's second generation.
I hope you enjoy it!
As I posted: I have not much time at the moment...
The next remix will definetly come in the middle of May.
Thank you for your patience!

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

트레이너 배틀 오케스트라 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
용나선탑 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
라이벌 배틀 -Salsa Style- (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.16
VS. 나성호 챔피언 배틀 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.16
물결마을 -winter VIP- (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
posted by MTG 2012. 10. 28. 23:53



 리믹스 곡명

 Dragon's Den (100 Subs)


 Dragon's Den

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소 

 편곡자 코멘트

 18.03.12: *update*

Download this remix with many more on my new album:

Finally I have finished this remix.
Not much time at the moment. But I am working on a new epic remix...
Hope you enjoy this one.
Have fun!
Picture is made by Aonik from Deviant Art

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

천관산 -Dub Step- (DPPt)  (0) 2012.10.30
태초마을 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.29
챔피언 배틀 -Cruel & Epic- (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.28
챔피언 테마 리믹스 (GSC, HGSS)  (0) 2012.10.28
갤럭시단 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.10.28
posted by MTG 2012. 10. 28. 23:38



 리믹스 곡명

 G/S/C/HG//SS Champion theme remix


 Battle! Champion

 Battle! Rival
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Hey guys. Sorry I don't have a DL up. I know a guy asked for it a long time ago and I should've given an explanation,but I got busy and then lost the file,so I can't at the moment. Maybe ListenToYoutube...

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

용의 굴 -100 Subs- (HGSS)  (0) 2012.10.28
챔피언 배틀 -Cruel & Epic- (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.28
갤럭시단 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.10.28
갈색시티 트랜스 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.26
Boat, Come Back! (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.20
posted by MTG 2012. 10. 14. 23:38



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon GSC - Goldenrod City Remix


 Goldenrod City
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 포켓몬스터 스페셜

 편곡자 코멘트


Pokemon Gold & Silver Remix Album
Track 23 - Goldenrod City
Original Song Composers: Go Ichinose, Morikazu Aoki, Junichi Masuda, Hitomi Sato, Hiroko Takano
Pokémon: Gold Silver & Crystal Versions

Good: I love the intro, the idea was to get it to sound substandard and to create an impact when the drums and bass come in, i think it worked really well

Bad: I could have done more arrangement wise, i just wasn't as creative as usual note wise, it becomes repetitive

posted by MTG 2012. 10. 6. 07:00





 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon: Gym Leader Defeated! Theme ft. MaesterTed & 8BitBrigadier


 Defeated! Gym Leader

 (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
 (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 (Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen)
 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)  

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Like me on Facebook!


Hey guys!
It's been a while since my last official collaboration, so I'm super excited to be posting this video. It's been such a wonderful experience collaborating with the super talented Pokenerds MaesterTed and 8BitBrigadier. Please check out their channels! They're budding YouTube VGM musicians like me! :)

MaesterTed (bass, drums, electric guitar, banjo):
8BitBrigadier (flute, accordion):



제가 제일 자신없는게

짐리더 승리곡,

포켓몬센터을 시리즈별로 구별인데 DPPt만은 다른 시리즈와 달리 초반의 반복구간이 달라서 이것만 구별이 되네요.

 이번 선곡때문에 원곡들 대조하면서 처음 알았습니다.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

루네시티 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.10.14
시공사이로 -리오케스트라- (DPPt)  (0) 2012.10.07
챔피언 배틀 오케스트라 (RSE)  (0) 2012.10.05
상록숲 오케스트라 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.04
챔피언 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.03
posted by MTG 2012. 10. 3. 20:22



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon - Wild Battle Medley (Gen I- III)


 Wild Pokemon Battle

 (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
 (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 mp3 다운로드 배포 

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Download: A medley of remixes, with the wild battle themes from RBY to RSE. You'll have to forgive some recycled instruments in this, I lost a lot of samples and besides, its been a year, I'm a bit rusty :) Oh, and I still owe you guys some fixed downloads. Working on it.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

상록숲 오케스트라 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.04
챔피언 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.03
로켓단 아지트 리믹스 (GSC)  (0) 2012.10.03
로켓단 아지트 -BW soundfont- (GSC)  (0) 2012.10.03
해안시티 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.10.03
posted by MTG 2012. 10. 3. 20:15



 리믹스 곡명

 GSC Team Rocket Hideout Remix


 Team Rocket Hideout
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소 

 편곡자 코멘트


Sorry for the lack of activity recently, remixing has been the bottom of my priorities D: This is just kind of a warmup rather than a serious remix, my mastering skills are suddenly shocking haha. Give this one a chance to build up, btw.

posted by MTG 2012. 10. 3. 20:08



 리믹스 곡명

 Black and White: GSC Team Rocket Hideout


 Team Rocket Hideout
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 (포켓몬스터 파이어레드/리프그린 공식 일러스트)

 편곡자 코멘트

 Testing the Black and White Soundfont on the G/S/C Team Rocket Hideout music.

Base midi by one of my friends Reason.
Remix © Lilfurman
Pokemon © Gamefreak/Nintendo

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

야생 배틀 메들리 (RGBY, GSC, RSE)  (0) 2012.10.03
로켓단 아지트 리믹스 (GSC)  (0) 2012.10.03
해안시티 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.10.03
하나지방 엔딩 크레딧 리마스터 (BW)  (0) 2012.10.03
N의 성 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.10.02
posted by MTG 2012. 9. 8. 14:19



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Crystal - Suicune Battle Remix


 Suicune Battle

 Jhoto Gym Leader Battle
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 A Valentine's Day remix for one and all!

What does YouTube say about this remix's viewing level?
IT'S OVER 1000!!!
No seriously I'm amazed that this has got over 1000 views!
Olen onnellinen! Yay!
Remixer: Me
Illustrator: Someone from the Interwebz (though I wish it was me!)
Programs used: 
Sibelius 6

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

주박사 연구실 -리오케스트라- (BW)  (0) 2012.09.22
체육관 테마 -피아노- (BW)  (0) 2012.09.22
상트앙느 오케스트라 (FRLG)  (0) 2012.09.06
플라즈마단 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.09.02
신오 게임코너 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.08.28
posted by MTG 2012. 8. 25. 15:00



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon HG/SS - VS Champion [VS N Final - B/W Soundbanks]


 Battle! Champion

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 (포켓몬스터 스페셜)

 편곡자 코멘트

 Made with FL Studio 9.

This is a remix of the Champion Battle theme from HeartGold/SoulSilver, using the instruments found in the soundbank of N's Final Battle theme in Black/White. Notice how I'm using the word "soundbanks" and not "soundfonts". That's because rather than using the B/W soundfonts, I used the actual soundbank which I ripped from the ROM. The soundbanks in BW only contain the instruments required for the track, so a MIDI can be remixed in many different ways depending on the soundbank you use. I may make more of these.

In my head, this theme would be used against an evil version of Lance, hence the picture of Lance from Pokémon Adventures (in which he is evil).

Anyway, I hope you like it, and don't forget to comment and like!

[Image made by me with Photoshop CS2]

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

자전거 테마 -리오케스트라- (BW)  (0) 2012.08.25
관동 체육관장 리믹스 VII (HGSS)  (0) 2012.08.25
갤럭시단 간부 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.08.23
난천 (DPPt, BW)  (0) 2012.08.19
넝쿨마을 (BW)  (0) 2012.08.19
posted by MTG 2012. 7. 11. 22:09



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Johto Surfing Remix



 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Here is relaxing theme, I really think this is one of my best remixes. 

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

스카이애로 브릿지 -by.금목걸이- (BW)  (0) 2012.08.04
문 드롭스(RGBY)  (0) 2012.07.22
29번 도로 리믹스 (GSC,HGSS)  (0) 2012.07.01
배틀 레시람/제크롬 (BW)  (0) 2012.07.01
악의 포켓몬 (RSE)  (0) 2012.06.28
posted by MTG 2012. 7. 1. 08:09



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon GSC/HGSS Route 29 Remix


 Route 29
 (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 (Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

Its my very first remix!!! Yay. Its not that spectacular, but it still is pretty cool, I think. I hope you enjoy. :D 

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

문 드롭스(RGBY)  (0) 2012.07.22
성도 파도타기 리믹스 (HGSS)  (0) 2012.07.11
배틀 레시람/제크롬 (BW)  (0) 2012.07.01
악의 포켓몬 (RSE)  (0) 2012.06.28
보라타운 모음곡 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.06.23
posted by MTG 2012. 6. 16. 15:41



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Starting Town Medley


 0:00 ~ 1:58   pallet town   (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow, FireRed/LeafGreen)

 1:59 ~ 3:15   new bark town   (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal, HeartGold/SoulSilver)

 3:16 ~ 5:17   littleroot town   (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 5:18 ~ 6:36   twinleaf town   (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Woot a medley by Joe!!!! This is a compilation of the music that plays in all of the starting towns (except for in Black and White). Enjoy!

Download link (and much higher quality) :