posted by MTG 2014. 4. 4. 21:52



 리믹스 곡명



 Bicycle (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Black/White)
 Bicycle (Pokemon X/Y)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Hope you get a nostalgic blast from the past with this! (And present) This took me about a week to complete with about 3 all nighters in the process. I really enjoyed making this and am excited to make more megamixes like this in the future. Think of this video as an early 2000 subscriber special. (It won't replace the 2000 sub special we'll have when we actually do hit 2000.) 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who watches our videos! It means a lot to us and I hope that this outweighs to the lack of remixes I haven't uploaded within the month.

Watermark made by Noivy:



'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

아쿠아 앤드 마그마 (RSE)  (0) 2014.06.08
챔피언 카르네 테마 -Epic Rock- (XY)  (0) 2014.04.27
향전시티 리믹스 (XY)  (0) 2014.01.30
포이즌 라이브! (BW2)  (0) 2013.10.09
버려진배 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2013.10.09
posted by MTG 2013. 7. 17. 00:11



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W2 Remix: Marine Tube


 Marine Tube
 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 This one was requested at least a few times, and I liked it too so I remixed it!


posted by MTG 2013. 7. 16. 23:44



 리믹스 곡명

 Black & White Relic Castle Remix


 Relic Castle
 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Amon a roll this week.

Thanks for the 12K+ minions! I couldn't ask for a better audience :D I brought out that piano magic again, it just seems to fit so well in this score. When I get the chance I'll provide sheets for it. Not gonna lie, the rhythm was just all over the place. Like seriously 5th gen, could you get anymore complicated? 

Follow me fore more pokéfun:


posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 13:39



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon White Treehollow Remix


 White Treehollow

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Like the black tower lobby theme this is a simple but refreshing tune, so I maintained that.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

해저 터널 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.07.17
고대의 성 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.07.16
관동 짐 리더 2차 리믹스 -Chrome Celebration- (FRLG)  (0) 2013.06.16
챔피언 아이리스 배틀 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 12:44



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W2 Remix: Champion Iris Battle


 Battle! Champion Iris!
 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 This time I did all the sequencing from scratch/by ear instead of copying segments from a MIDI file like a traditionally do. It's a lot more fun that way, and takes longer too. This is probably the longest I've spent making a remix, at 8 or so hours? The audio for the video might have some artifacts on the high frequencies (makes the timing of the hats seem weird) so I recommend listening to the mp3.


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

백의 수동 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
관동 짐 리더 2차 리믹스 -Chrome Celebration- (FRLG)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
라이벌 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.05.18
posted by MTG 2013. 5. 27. 23:02



 리믹스 곡명

 Black & White Entralink Remix VII



 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트


Holy frack I'm 20 now. Anyways, comments are welcomed! So I was going back through time and listened to my old remixes, and some needs to be revamped like really really bad. And the original Entralink video was one of them xP I'm multitasking left and right with music production for other networks & users, plus I'm working on some midi files for an upcoming hack which I'm apart of.

By the way I switched it from 3/4 to 4/4 because I just could not take 3/4 time. I just could not handle 3/4 right now. And MD Gates to Infinity is an amazing game ;D

Follow me for more pokéfun:


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

챔피언 아이리스 배틀 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
라이벌 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.05.18
신오 짐리더 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.05.18
테오키스 테마 리믹스 (FRLG)  (0) 2013.04.16
posted by MTG 2013. 5. 18. 01:29



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon B2/W2 Remix - VS Rival


 Battle! Rival

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Made with FL Studio 10.

The B2/W2 rival theme is a track I've wanted to remix since before it even leaked fully! This remix really gave me hell. The original idea I had in mind for this didn't work out at all, so I had to find new inspiration. Lots and lots of trial and error... The effort I put into this remix is the most I've ever put into a remix (bar my 1K Sub Special Megamix, which everyone should go listen to).

This is my first remix after my very long hiatus, and that's why I wanted it to be greater than any of my previous uploads. So, I really hope you enjoy this remix! And don't forget to comment and like! :)

Edit: I can see that some of you are disappointed that I variated from the original theme a bit too much. I'm sorry that I couldn't live up to your expectations. For the record, I think you can hear parts of the original, if you listen closely enough. I only added two original solos, but I guess they *were* a bit long for some. :P I'll keep that in mind for the next remix!



'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
신오 짐리더 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.05.18
테오키스 테마 리믹스 (FRLG)  (0) 2013.04.16
챔피언 아이리스 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.04.06
posted by MTG 2013. 4. 6. 20:55



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Black and White 2 - Champion Iris Remix


 Battle! Champion

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Here is a remix of the Battle Theme of Champion Iris which I found.

Image by akimiya of Deviantart.
Please help this get more views!!!

MP3 Download Link:

posted by MTG 2013. 2. 14. 13:31



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W2 Remix: Colress Battle


 Colress Battle

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 포켓몬스터 블랙2/화이트2 PV중

 편곡자 코멘트

 I'll try to get some more remixes finished and uploaded before my vacation ends.

I've been listening to the B/W and B/W2 soundtracks to decide on what I want to remix most from the 5th generation. Colress's theme was my favorite. Some other BW/BW2 songs I'm wanting to do are N's themes (tried remixing the first theme 6 times but haven't made anything I'm satisfied with) and Opelucid city (both versions together, probably). Let me know some other suggestions for 5th gen remixes, you probably know the songs better than I do since I haven't played B/W nor B/W 2 yet.


'아크로마 배틀'로도 유명한 BGM입니다.

posted by MTG 2013. 1. 17. 20:27



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W 2 - Rival Battle - Remix


 Battle! Rival

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Download link:

I love this theme WAY too much. I'm sorry; but I had no choice but to remix it :P I'll get to doing more requests soon.

I can't wait for B/W 2 to come to North America, It's gonna be epic! And I'll actually get to hear the Rival's theme in-game! :D

Um, so anyway, this remix. Yeah, it should be about the same tempo as the original, as I didn't want to ruin what the song was like originally by making my remix too fast or slow, but, other than that, I tried to capture how cool Hyu's personality seems to be in the games - he looks like he means business, similar to Blue/Green and Silver, from the first 2 generations. Also.. this remix could potentially loop infinitely, or at least, for a longer period of time than about 5 minutes, as showcased here, with a few adjustments. I dunno; thought that was interesting, as it was unintentional. 

There's a few other themes i'm currently obsessed with other than the rival theme from B/W 2, so hopefully over the summer I can upload a few more remixes of different themes from the game. But seriously, the entire soundtrack is fantastic. I wonder how GameFreak is going to top what they've done this time for the next games in the Pokemon universe to come.

posted by MTG 2013. 1. 16. 13:35



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W 2 - Virbank City - Remix


 Virbank City

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Download link:

Yay for Virbank and all it's epicness! :D This remix was a request from an awesome subscriber, and I had a blast making it. Though, I'm not sure if the original tune is all that recognizable through this remix, what do you guys think? Sorry if it doesn't, and even though it probably doesn't, I'm still sort of a little bit proud of this one anyways. ;P

Also, there's a reference in this remix to a theme from Touhou, see if you Touhou music enthusiasts can pick it out! Happy reference hunting~! ;3

posted by MTG 2012. 12. 23. 16:12



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Black and White 2-Champion Iris Theme Remix


 Battle! Champion Iris!

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 5000 subs : Thanks ppl :D I've been busy lately sorry. So therefor I decided to use remix this theme.I'm getting somewhat better with the guitars but ehh. Enjoy xD

Download link:

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

라이벌 배틀 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.01.17
모란만 시티 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.01.16
사천왕 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.20
게임코너 리믹스 -2nd- (GSC)  (0) 2012.12.19
여울동굴 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.19
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 18. 18:08



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon BW2 - Neo Team Plasma Battle (Remix)


 Battle! Team Plasma 

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포 (Extended)

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 BW2 is out so I decided to remix the new Plasma Battle Theme. Enjoy!


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

여울동굴 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.19
여울동굴 Dub-Step 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.19
216번 도로 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.12.18
트레이너 배틀 오케스트라 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
용나선탑 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 18. 13:05



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Orchestrated: Trainer Battle, Black and White


 Battle! Trainer

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포 

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Orchestration of the trainer battle from Pokemon Black and White version

Get the mp3:

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

네오 플라즈마단 배틀 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.18
216번 도로 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.12.18
용나선탑 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
라이벌 배틀 리믹스 (GSC, HGSS)  (0) 2012.12.16
라이벌 배틀 -Salsa Style- (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.16
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 18. 13:00



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon B/W Dragonspiral Tower Remix


 Dragonspiral Tower

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 So this is the music that plays while inside the Dragonspiral Tower, and a few other places too. In my opinion, this is one of the best pieces in Black and White and perhaps one of the best non-battle songs of all series. I just loved remixing this, but it took FOREVER to put an ending together. To me, the ending is the shakiest part, but the rest of the composition is fabulous. Hope you enjoy it! :


posted by MTG 2012. 12. 16. 17:19



 리믹스 곡명

 Rival Battle (Salsa Style) - Pokémon BW2


 Battle! Rival

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 (Salsa Rival)

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Well, I caved in and remixed something from Black/White 2: one of the few songs I had actually heard without needing to spoil anything new. It's the funky Rival Battle...except in a salsa style, showing quite a mix of brass, saxophones, a marimba, and a guitar, with a variety of percussive instruments thrown in. I think it sounds pretty good and may just make you want to dance. ;)

MP3/WAV download links in the same place as always:

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

용나선탑 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.18
라이벌 배틀 리믹스 (GSC, HGSS)  (0) 2012.12.16
VS. 나성호 챔피언 배틀 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.12.16
물결마을 -winter VIP- (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
포켓몬 멘션 -BW2 soundfont- (RGBY)  (0) 2012.12.14
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 14. 23:22



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Black & White - Undella Town Remix (VIP)


 Undella Town (Autumn - Spring)

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Sorry I've been so quiet this past year. Life really does get in the way: I'm feeling old. Hopefully this winter I'll have some more stuff for you, in the meantime here's a remix of a remix! It might be terrible, I'm pretty rusty at this lol.

Mp3 Download:

posted by MTG 2012. 12. 14. 23:07



 리믹스 곡명

 BW2 Pokéstar Movie (Re-Orchestrated)


 While Shooting in Pokéstar Studios!

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 When I started this I didn't actually know if I was seriously going to upload this or not, but I'm glad I did, because this song is hilarious and wildly catchy all at once. Pokéstar Studios is actually pretty cool if you give it a chance, and making all the movies and following the plot lines is equally fun! People always say the magic in movies is editing, and when you think about it--standing in front of a green screen talking to a guy in a green suit with white balls all over is pretty comical, which is why this song is perfect. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and are looking forward to the start of my Winter uploads starting December 1st! Oh, and eat your heart out, Pokémon Contests.

For the best sound quality, I strongly advise using headphones.

My links: 

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

물결마을 -winter VIP- (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
포켓몬 멘션 -BW2 soundfont- (RGBY)  (0) 2012.12.14
구름시티 클래식 테크노 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
물풍경시티 Dub-Step (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
팰리스로부터 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.11.07
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 14. 22:57



 리믹스 곡명

 Castelia City Classic Techno Remix


 Castelia City 

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Off school sick today, so I made a remix. This was requested by OficialArceus493 VERY long ago. Hopefully the wait paid off :D

Anyways, I don't own Pokemon, the image, or the original song. All respects paid to the original creators. Special thanks to Shoto Kageyama, who created the theme!

해당 리믹스는 빅티니넷에 소개하지 않습니다.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

포켓몬 멘션 -BW2 soundfont- (RGBY)  (0) 2012.12.14
포켓우드 리오케스트라 (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.14
물풍경시티 Dub-Step (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
팰리스로부터 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.11.07
오박사 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.30
posted by MTG 2012. 12. 14. 22:52



 리믹스 곡명

 Driftveil City Dub-Step Remix


 Driftveil City 

 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Video courtesy of Planet Poke guest content creator "GlitchxCity"

For more videos from GlitchxCity, click here:

"Can you hear the drop this time Mudkip? Oh hai der, just spreading some of the Poké love on here. It was time for another dub-step remix, and Driftveil City was calling my name. Frankly this was pretty easy to catch by ear, the Massive took care of the rest. I had fun doing this one, and I might be getting addicted to the Massive plugin. It's just sooo good! There will be more to come on PlanetPoke :D
Download: "

Planet Poke is the first Pokemon network on YouTube! Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

포켓우드 리오케스트라 (BW2)  (0) 2012.12.14
구름시티 클래식 테크노 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.12.14
팰리스로부터 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.11.07
오박사 리믹스 (RGBY)  (0) 2012.10.30
천관산 -Dub Step- (DPPt)  (0) 2012.10.30