posted by MTG 2014. 4. 4. 21:52



 리믹스 곡명



 Bicycle (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 Bicycle (Pokemon Black/White)
 Bicycle (Pokemon X/Y)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Hope you get a nostalgic blast from the past with this! (And present) This took me about a week to complete with about 3 all nighters in the process. I really enjoyed making this and am excited to make more megamixes like this in the future. Think of this video as an early 2000 subscriber special. (It won't replace the 2000 sub special we'll have when we actually do hit 2000.) 

A HUGE thank you to everyone who watches our videos! It means a lot to us and I hope that this outweighs to the lack of remixes I haven't uploaded within the month.

Watermark made by Noivy:



'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

아쿠아 앤드 마그마 (RSE)  (0) 2014.06.08
챔피언 카르네 테마 -Epic Rock- (XY)  (0) 2014.04.27
향전시티 리믹스 (XY)  (0) 2014.01.30
포이즌 라이브! (BW2)  (0) 2013.10.09
버려진배 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2013.10.09
posted by MTG 2012. 8. 25. 15:23



 리믹스 곡명

 BW Bike Theme (Re-Orchestrated)



 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 This is one of the many song in Pokemon Black and White I believe changed the game. I have always loved the bike themes, with the exception of Sinnoh's bike theme--and this one is by far my favourite. The drums and piano are so upbeat, and it's just a happy song! I started this back in December and dropped it because it got really tricky to loop, but a few days ago I reopened the project and reworked the whole gosh darn thing! I am really happy with the result, and this could be one of the best songs I've done, I think. Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it!

For the best sound quality, I advise using headphones.

My links: 

posted by MTG 2012. 4. 20. 17:05

위의 영상이 안 보이시는 분은 옆의 링크를 이용해주시길 바랍니다. 


  (hapi⇒ (member in salvation by faith records)


 리믹스 곡명



01. 오프닝  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

02. ???  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

03. 오박사 연구실  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

04. 태초마을  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

05. 태초마을에서 상록씨티로  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

06. 달맞이산에서 블루시티로  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

07. 29번 도로  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

08. 무지개시티  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

09. 블루시티  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

10. 카지노  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

11. 자전거  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

12. 금빛시티  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

13. 상트앙느호  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

14. 34번 도로  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

15. 42번 도로  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

16. 홍련섬  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

17. 고동마을  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

18. 도라지 시티  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
19. 갈색시티  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
20. 파도타기  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
21. 포켓몬센터  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
22. 푸린의 노래  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
23. 달맞이산  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
24. 달맞이산  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
25. 상록숲  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
26. 포켓몬멘션  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
27. 알프유적  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
28. 연결동굴  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
29. 얼음길  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
30. 로켓단 아지트  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
31. 보라타운  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
32. 보라타워(or 포켓몬 타워)  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
33. 배틀! 야생 포켓몬  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
34. 배틀! 야생 포켓몬  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
35. 배틀! 트레이너(성도)  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
36. 배틀! 트레이너(관동)  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
37. 배틀! 로켓단  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
38. 승리! 트레이너전  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
39. 포켓몬 체육관  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
40. 석영고원  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
41. 배틀! 짐리더  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
42. 배틀! 짐리더  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
43. 배틀! 라이벌  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
44. 라이벌 라스트 배틀  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
45. 배틀! 챔피언  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
46. 회색시티  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
47. 명예의 전당  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
48. 엔딩  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)
49. 엔딩  (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)
50. 26번 도로  (Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 3/14 こんな時だからこそ、音楽で励ましを。 sm13856702

4/19 再生数ミリオン突破したみたいです。ありがとう!あと新作のメドレー作ってます。



イラスト:フォル公 / 製作サポート:Ogu3rd mylist/4181021 / みすと mylist/10800492 / 動画使用: ケイ氏mylist/5576378 / しもん氏 mylist/8342789 / あなごみ氏 mylist/8324746

隠し曲:sm6528549 sm6528593 sm8204494 SSDX2:sm78934447

mylist/23960303 / BLOG :

보컬이 들어간 축소버전은 아래의 링크에서 감상하실수 있습니다.

전곡이 붙은거는 피하고 싶군요.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

트레이너 배틀 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2012.04.21
유성폭포 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.04.21
사천왕/짐리더 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2012.04.20
혼불산 리믹스 (RSE)  (0) 2012.04.18
혼불산 리믹스 -고스트 콘체르토- (RSE)  (0) 2012.04.18
posted by MTG 2012. 3. 22. 15:13



 리믹스 곡명

 Bicycle Theme (R/B/G/Y) Orchestral Arrangement


 Cycling (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Hey everyone,

Nothing really special about this theme. Bikes are cool enough by themselves.

This remix uses the GarageBand Symphony Orchestra Jam Pack.

posted by MTG 2012. 3. 21. 17:31



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon Black and White Bike Theme Remix


 Bicycle (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소 

 편곡자 코멘트

 If you're going to ride your bike with this theme, DON'T. LOL I learned the hard way; we aren't invinsible like the characters on the game. :P Anywho, I remember this was requested by someone....forgot who it was (sorry) but this theme is pretty enjoyable to ride to. P.S. Did I forget to mention that I hit a tree while listening to this? xD I'm okay Haha

Download Link:

posted by MTG 2012. 3. 14. 01:55


 Game Boy Pokémon Sound Collection CD





 CD1 - #30



여분링크 : Pokemon Red Cycling

'게임 OST > 1G. RGBY' 카테고리의 다른 글

32. 포켓몬 타워  (0) 2012.03.15
31. 보라타운  (0) 2012.03.15
29. 승리! 짐리더  (0) 2012.03.14
28. 배틀! 짐리더  (0) 2012.03.14
27. 트레이너 등장 (소년)  (0) 2012.03.12