posted by MTG 2013. 7. 28. 16:39



 리믹스 곡명

 RSE Slateport City (Re-Orchestrated)


 Slateport City
 (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Slateport City is a hub of shops, exploration, and has a lot of stuff to offer you in Hoenn. I've always loved the up-beat and loudness of Slateport City's music, because it's just so darn jolly. Recently I was thinking about how great it would be to reorchestrate the theme, and I'm pretty happy with it. I'm also approaching (very quickly I might add) 4,000 Subscribers, and that's pretty darn cool. Hope you enjoy the song, and try not to get scurvy. 

For the best sound quality, I strongly advise using headphones.

My links: 

Once upon a time there was a Stantler named Stantler. He moved to Slateport City because he was so fiercely hated everywhere else he lived, and he had never been to Hoenn before. As soon as he entered the city, the humans banded together and burned Stantler the Stantler at the stake. When they were done they ate cake to celebrate.

posted by MTG 2013. 7. 28. 16:17



 리믹스 곡명

 DPPt Route 228 (Re-Orchestrated)


 Route 228

 (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Holy intro, Batman! Yeah, the winds of change are gusting through my channel if you haven't noticed with the layout overhaul and the intro--but how gives a crap about that? Let's talk about the music! Route 228 is full of lore, and sand, and...more sand. Cyrus's relative lives on this route, and confesses that he wished he took Cyrus in when he was younger so he could knock the crazy out of him with love, stuffed animals, and Netflix. Great try, Gramps, but your psychotic grand-baby is stuck in an alternate dimension where he's probably roasting Durants alive with a magnifying glass. What else does Route 228 have? Funky music. The music on this route is awesome, and I am really pleased with my arrangement! Hopefully you Dragoknights love it (and the new layout) as much as I do! Stay tuned for more PokéTunes soon!

DOWNLOAD: Coming soon!
Music sounds better with headphones. Pop 'em in, and listen to the magical ear fireworks. 

My links: 

Once upon a time Cyrus went to the dentist to get his teeth cleaned because clean teeth are good to have. The dentist counted each and every one of his pearly-whites, and told Cyrus that his teeth were out of this world. THAT'S WHY CYRUS STARTED TEAM GALACTIC; THAT'S WHAT'S DESTROYING THE OZONE LAYER; AND THAT'S THE CREATIVE GENIUS BEHIND MILEY CYRUS'S NEW MUSIC VIDEO.

posted by MTG 2013. 7. 28. 00:33



 리믹스 곡명

 Champion Cynthia Battle Remix


 Battle! Champion

 (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트


Comments are welcomed, I like those things. Man I had one hell of a time trying to not only compose this, but find decent artwork, render the mp3, had playback issues, had to re-render the mp3, fix Sony Vegas, and the list goes on and on. Truth is, is that I'm only 80% satisfied with it which leads me to make a second version of this in the future. But anyways after many, MANY requests (I counted 87 on tumblr) I finally finished the highly requested Cynthia battle theme. And it wasn't all unicorns and rainbows. Hmm, thoughts on Cynthia? Well to this day she still remains the hardest champion for me to battle. She gave me quite a scare in Diamond and totally wasn't expecting her pokemon to be that high leveled and yes; she is very intimidating, I still dread the rematches. FE & GTB.

Lol you can stop flooding me with Cynthia requests now ^o^

Follow me for more fun:


posted by MTG 2013. 7. 28. 00:20



 리믹스 곡명

 Piano Shenanigans: Sinnoh Trainer Battle Remix


 Battl! Trainer

 (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Rocking that Republic City Fire Ferrets shirt.

Doing some derping around on the piano and then I started playing bits of the DPPt trainer battle, and I was like "why not? might as well record this nonsense." Thank Arceus that this wasn't as challenging as the RGBY trainer battle theme. That thing is a monster. To this day I still can't get it all the way right. I should do more of these in the future, and I should have done this at a slower tempo xP

Like I said, the dual-piano is Sinnoh's forte.
DPPt Trainer Battle Theme: D#/E♭

Follow me for more pokéfun:

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

228번 도로 -Re Orchestrated- (DPPt)  (0) 2013.07.28
챔피언 난천 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.07.28
해저 터널 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.07.17
고대의 성 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.07.16
백의 수동 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
posted by MTG 2013. 7. 17. 00:11



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W2 Remix: Marine Tube


 Marine Tube
 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 This one was requested at least a few times, and I liked it too so I remixed it!


posted by MTG 2013. 7. 16. 23:44



 리믹스 곡명

 Black & White Relic Castle Remix


 Relic Castle
 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트

 Amon a roll this week.

Thanks for the 12K+ minions! I couldn't ask for a better audience :D I brought out that piano magic again, it just seems to fit so well in this score. When I get the chance I'll provide sheets for it. Not gonna lie, the rhythm was just all over the place. Like seriously 5th gen, could you get anymore complicated? 

Follow me fore more pokéfun:


posted by MTG 2013. 7. 7. 15:43

2013년 E3에 공개됐던 포켓몬스터 XY관련 영상입니다.

여기에서 '요정'타입의 상성과 부유배틀에 관한것이 공개됐습니다.

posted by MTG 2013. 6. 20. 23:46

어영부영 참가신청하긴 했지만, 어떤 페이지가 백지로 남게 하는게 아쉬워서라도 등록했습니다.

사실 대회자체가 있는줄도 몰랐지만 대회일정 보니깐 주말도 끼어서 있어서 무리한 일정은 아닐것 같네요.

아무튼 잘 부탁드립니다.

'다용도 게시판' 카테고리의 다른 글

미확인 XY 아차모&인터페이스 정보  (0) 2013.09.29
후기, 포켓몬센터 후쿠오카 사인회  (6) 2013.09.16
2013, WCS 후기  (2) 2013.05.11
[팁] BW 배회 전포 루프  (0) 2013.01.26
[팁] HGSS 교배루프  (0) 2013.01.04
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 13:39



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon White Treehollow Remix


 White Treehollow

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Like the black tower lobby theme this is a simple but refreshing tune, so I maintained that.

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

해저 터널 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.07.17
고대의 성 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.07.16
관동 짐 리더 2차 리믹스 -Chrome Celebration- (FRLG)  (0) 2013.06.16
챔피언 아이리스 배틀 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 13:31



 GBA Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete
Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete

 GBA ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン




 CD1 - #16


 Lesson TV Menu


* 여분링크

'게임 OST > 3G. FRLG' 카테고리의 다른 글

15. 회색시티 테마  (0) 2013.06.16
14. 팡파레 아이템 입수 1  (0) 2013.06.16
13. 태초마을에서 상록으로 가는길  (0) 2013.02.17
12. 승리! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
11. 배틀! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 13:24


 GBA Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete
Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete

 GBA ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン




 CD1 - #15


 Pewter City theme


'게임 OST > 3G. FRLG' 카테고리의 다른 글

16. TV메뉴 레슨  (0) 2013.06.16
14. 팡파레 아이템 입수 1  (0) 2013.06.16
13. 태초마을에서 상록으로 가는길  (0) 2013.02.17
12. 승리! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
11. 배틀! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 13:21


 GBA Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete
Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen Music Super Complete

 GBA ポケットモンスター ファイアレッド&リーフグリーン




 CD1 - #14


 (Fanfare) Get Item 1

 ファンファーレ どうぐゲット1

'게임 OST > 3G. FRLG' 카테고리의 다른 글

16. TV메뉴 레슨  (0) 2013.06.16
15. 회색시티 테마  (0) 2013.06.16
13. 태초마을에서 상록으로 가는길  (0) 2013.02.17
12. 승리! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
11. 배틀! 트레이너  (0) 2013.02.17
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 12:57


 DarknessCity112(Dj Candia)

 리믹스 곡명

 Kanto Gym Leaders 2nd Remix (Chrome Celebration)


 Battle! Gym leader

 (Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트


Nevva Brigh hack Stuidos brought not more than 2 months the incredible Chrome version 3D pokémon, which has a very Espcial tournament, the tournament is "Major Leagues: Global Leaders challenge mode", here I bring this remix is the theme of Kanto GYM leaders.

By: Dj Candia

'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

고대의 성 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.07.16
백의 수동 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
챔피언 아이리스 배틀 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 16. 12:44



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokemon B/W2 Remix: Champion Iris Battle


 Battle! Champion Iris!
 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 This time I did all the sequencing from scratch/by ear instead of copying segments from a MIDI file like a traditionally do. It's a lot more fun that way, and takes longer too. This is probably the longest I've spent making a remix, at 8 or so hours? The audio for the video might have some artifacts on the high frequencies (makes the timing of the hats seem weird) so I recommend listening to the mp3.


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

백의 수동 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
관동 짐 리더 2차 리믹스 -Chrome Celebration- (FRLG)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
라이벌 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.05.18
posted by MTG 2013. 6. 12. 17:00


 Video Games Live 2012 - Pokemon Suite

 원본 동영상 주소

 패러디 원본/삽입곡


posted by MTG 2013. 6. 7. 23:25



 리믹스 곡명

 The Dark Forest


 Veridian Forest

 (Pokemon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow)

 mp3 다운로드 배포


 삽입이미지 원본주소

 팀버튼 화풍으로 그린 포켓몬 일러스트

 편곡자 코멘트

 My Remix of the Veridian Forest.

Hope you enjoy it.

posted by MTG 2013. 5. 27. 23:02



 리믹스 곡명

 Black & White Entralink Remix VII



 (Pokemon Black/White)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트


Holy frack I'm 20 now. Anyways, comments are welcomed! So I was going back through time and listened to my old remixes, and some needs to be revamped like really really bad. And the original Entralink video was one of them xP I'm multitasking left and right with music production for other networks & users, plus I'm working on some midi files for an upcoming hack which I'm apart of.

By the way I switched it from 3/4 to 4/4 because I just could not take 3/4 time. I just could not handle 3/4 right now. And MD Gates to Infinity is an amazing game ;D

Follow me for more pokéfun:


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

챔피언 아이리스 배틀 (BW2)  (0) 2013.06.16
다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
라이벌 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.05.18
신오 짐리더 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.05.18
테오키스 테마 리믹스 (FRLG)  (0) 2013.04.16
posted by MTG 2013. 5. 18. 01:29



 리믹스 곡명

 Pokémon B2/W2 Remix - VS Rival


 Battle! Rival

 (Pokemon Black2/White2)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소


 편곡자 코멘트

 Made with FL Studio 10.

The B2/W2 rival theme is a track I've wanted to remix since before it even leaked fully! This remix really gave me hell. The original idea I had in mind for this didn't work out at all, so I had to find new inspiration. Lots and lots of trial and error... The effort I put into this remix is the most I've ever put into a remix (bar my 1K Sub Special Megamix, which everyone should go listen to).

This is my first remix after my very long hiatus, and that's why I wanted it to be greater than any of my previous uploads. So, I really hope you enjoy this remix! And don't forget to comment and like! :)

Edit: I can see that some of you are disappointed that I variated from the original theme a bit too much. I'm sorry that I couldn't live up to your expectations. For the record, I think you can hear parts of the original, if you listen closely enough. I only added two original solos, but I guess they *were* a bit long for some. :P I'll keep that in mind for the next remix!



'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

다크 포리스트 (RGBY)  (0) 2013.06.07
하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
신오 짐리더 배틀 리믹스 (DPPt)  (0) 2013.05.18
테오키스 테마 리믹스 (FRLG)  (0) 2013.04.16
챔피언 아이리스 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.04.06
posted by MTG 2013. 5. 18. 00:56



 리믹스 곡명

 Sinnoh Gym Leader Battle Remix


 Battle! Gym Leader

 (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)

 mp3 다운로드 배포

 삽입이미지 원본주소

 편곡자 코멘트


Oh hey it's been awhile, sorry for the lack of uploads. I'm done with finals and ready to move back home plus I have a new pc so it's all good ;o; I'm still trying to get my sony vegas to render in 1080p and right now this video is in 480p (shocker) but oh well I don't feel like rendering it again.

But anyways, I'm going through my old WIPs folder and finishing up all the leftover projects I have. This theme just doesn't belong to the gym leaders, it also belongs to the E4 of Sinnoh. How original. Haha but this is actually my least favorite theme for whatever reason, but after doing this I'm starting to like it more now.

Follow me for more pokéfun:


'리믹스' 카테고리의 다른 글

하일링크 리믹스 (BW)  (0) 2013.05.27
라이벌 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.05.18
테오키스 테마 리믹스 (FRLG)  (0) 2013.04.16
챔피언 아이리스 리믹스 (BW2)  (0) 2013.04.06
113번도로 -나이트 오케스트라- (RSE)  (0) 2013.03.11
posted by MTG 2013. 5. 11. 23:58

이전에 공개된 발매예정 영상과 차이점이라면

여주 뒷머리쪽이 좀더 짧아서 끝부분이 안 묶인 모양새고,

남주는... 여태 영상에서 로켓단의 로이처럼 대칭형 앞머리인줄 알았는데 일러스트 보고 다시 영상을 보니깐 비대칭이 맞네요.

해당 자료 이미지에서 오른쪽 페이지에 있는 연두색 머리의 캐릭터는 라이벌이거나 N처럼 주요 캐릭터일것 같고.

뿔은 산양. 몸은 들소같은 신작 포켓몬이 보이는데

파도타기말고도 포켓몬에 탑승하는 시스템이 추가되는게 아닐까도 싶습니다.

이전 공개영상에서 남주의 이동동작이 롤러브레이드같고,

지금의 캡쳐처럼 포켓몬을 탑승하는걸 보면 '자전거'아이템이 사라지거나 비중이 낮아질것도 같네요.


제 예상은 적중률이 로또처럼 안 좋으니 발매가 되어야 알수 있겠습니다.